Welcome to your local florist delivering across the Isle of Man
Sweetest Kisses
Heart Strings
You Make Me Blush
From £40
Twiggy Heart Workshop 8th February
Succulent Heart Workshop 13th February
Florist Choice Hand-tied Bouquet
From £35
Jasmine polyanthum
Blooming Cantastic
The Flower Studio Gift Voucher
From £10
Vintage Tea Cup Arrangement
Spring Bulb Wreath Workshop 27th February
Spring Gift Hand-tied Bouquet Workshop 6th March
Spring Vintage Bowl Workshop 13th March
Spring Vase Workshop 18th March
Dried Flower Dome Workshop 27th March
Succulent Wreath Workshop 3rd April
Valentine's Day Chocolate Brownies
Eucalyptus Bunch
From £35
From £35
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More About Us
Heidi has become committed to providing sustainable blooms for her clients by adopting environmentally friendly practices and techniques. This has involved eradicating the use of floral foam and other non-biodegradable products and packaging, and in 2020 she developed a small cutting garden to provide seasonal, locally grown flowers and foliage.
Heidi’s strong relationship with other leading wedding professionals has resulted in her involvement in many collaborative photoshoots exploring new and exciting trends, pushing her creativity to its limits and landing her as arguably the most innovative floral designer on the Isle of Man.
Knowing when less is more, when more is more, when to apply a delicate touch and where to place that last eucalyptus stem are skills gained over many years and afforded only to a few, with the right eye.
Having trained in top London flower shops, Heidi exhibited with the Writtle College team at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. She helped bring home Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver and Bronze medals, and was honoured to make a posy and present it to the late Queen Elizabeth II.
UNESCO Biosphere Partner
The Isle of Man is a special place and it is important to keep it that way - read more about our Biosphere Pledge
Good Florist Guide
Each year our work is checked and verified to ensure the high standards of The Good Florist Guide are met.
Flowers From The Farm
With members from Cornwall to Inverness, Flowers from the Farm is the award-winning membership association for artisan cut flower growers in the UK
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